Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Art and its Beauty

There are many creative ways to be artistic. You can find art in almost everything. It all depends on how you look things: different objects, paintings, styles of fashion and dance, photos, and life. Art can be a form of communication about people, how you express yourself, and the entire world just by using eyesight, sound, words, and actions. Using your own creative skills, drawing, painting, graffiti, creating music, forming dances and drama, are all part of art making.

Elements of Art:
The main elements of art are lines, shapes, colors, and textures. A line is a simple path that can create emphasis, imply directions, and create rhythm, patterns, and texture. A line can be straight, curved, zigzag, diagonal, horizontal, and vertical. The texture of a line can be thin, thick, soft, hard, light, heavy, firm, and can also form shapes. Shapes are two dimensional areas with recognizable margins. Shapes can be enclosed by a line and can be well-defined by tone, texture, and color. Color can be made by mixing two colors together. The primary colors are blue, yellow, and red. The secondary colors are orange, green, and violet. Mixing blue and red will create violet, mixing blue and yellow will create green, and mixing yellow and red will create orange. The tertiary colors are red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-violet, red-violet, and blue-green.  Texture is how something feels when you touch it. Sometimes you can know the texture of an object just by looking at it. It can be smooth, soft, rough, or hard. Texture can recommend passions by connecting with the commemoration of how things feel.

Principles of Design:
Composition is when elements of art are combined to create an artwork that has clearness and instruction. It's how our eyes are steered around the artwork.  Proportion deals with the sizes within a work of art. They are used for vivid result and they accentuate structures and assets. Repetition is created when someone uses an object in a picture or painting more than once. It can be steady unbalanced, level, or jagged. It can be in a form where the object(s) spread out from the center and where the objects are different sizes. Rhythm is movement. It is how art is portrayed on a paper or canvas that results in a swaying motion. Dominance is when an art work is focused on one object. It helps generate harmony and charms the human eye to the main resolution of an image. Contrast is when objects or elements in an art piece are completely different. The objects in the art can be combined to become one object. The objects do not normally go together, which makes them stand our more. Unity is the logic of a single piece. It is formed when two various things that belong together make up a whole, when it is joined.

Types of Art: The types of art that people can create are objects (still life) people, living things, sculptures, places, events, and nature. Art can be representational, meaning the object can represent something even if it is not realistic. They can also be spiritual.


There are many ways to create a work of art. You can create art with lines alone, you can form a variety of shapes and colors, and you can allow your art to have movement within a painting or picture. Photographers create art when they take a picture of an object or setting. The way the object is displayed in the picture creates the art or even just the shadow. Taking a picture from different angles bring the pictures to life. Music lyrics are a work of art, as well as poetry. It's created by emotions. One object can be its own art, such as a lonely house in the middle of nowhere; a house that sits alone. PICTURE.  Art is when you dip your brush in ink and let your hand form lines across a white board or poster. It's when you snap a picture and look at the image through a camera; you can put together scraps, color, paper, objects, or descriptions to create an image that is meaningful for anyone. It's running your fingers across a panel or combining two different colors to form another tint. When you pick up your pencil or paint brush and the moment you press it against the page or canvas, you have created art with just that one touch. There should be no limit on a work of art; it is your masterpiece.
Still Life

Friday, September 23, 2011

Job Shadow Opportunity

On Tuesday, September 6, 2011, a classmate, Blake, and I took a trip down to the News Channel 6 station to do a job shadow on Jenny Montgomery. When we arrived, the studio appeared to be a little small, but once we went inside and saw everything, I realized that it was a pretty large size. When we met with Mrs. Montgomery, we sat down and talked with her for a few minutes. We asked questions about the process of the studio and learned about what goes on before the news begins. She explained to us the job of the anchors, the producers, and the reporters. She also explained how their company is associated with other stations and how their ratings are determined by how many people are tuning in to their news channel. While we were talking, a few of the workers passed by and she introduced them and let us know what their jobs were at the station. The first part of the tour that I learned about was the editing. Inside of the editing room, reporters take bits and pieces of their videos, divide them up, and then combine them again. This is called a tease video. They cut and paste different parts of their video and in between each one, they record their voices onto the video to explain or give an example on what takes place in their story or analyze the purpose of their story. It takes about 20 to 30 minutes for a reporter to finish editing his or her video. I watched two reporters edit their video. One reporter, Kimberly Scott, edited a video she reported on a woman with breast cancer, and I got a chance to watch her type up her information, copy and paste pieces of her video, record her voice into the video, and send her story to the producers. Once we have understood the process of editing, it was time for the news. We had the opportunity to watch it live from the set. While I was sitting there watching the anchors read from their teleprompters, I thought to myself, “how amazing is this”. The set was not as big as I thought it would have been, but the experience remained incredible. On television, they all appear to be serious and, of course, professional, but during commercials and off the camera, they are so much more exciting and active. They make jokes and just have fun with everything. After sitting and talking with the anchors, I went to the control room to see how the producers do their job. The producers and the director communicate with the anchors and the reporters to let them know when they are suppose to come in and to let them in on any new information. They bring in the videos, the commercials, the anchors, and the reporters. This was by far the most exciting part of the tour and I was pleased to observe their work. The timing is perfect and everyone work well with each other. After the news, Blake and I took pictures with the anchors and some reporters. The news channel is all about cooperation and partnership. The reporters go out to find their stories, they bring them back to the studio, edit them, and send them off to the producers, who then place the videos and news stories in the order that they are suppose to go in, and transfer them to the ears of the anchors who help each other with their information as well. Teamwork is the most important task that occurs at News Channel 6. Their work involves effort and that is just the key to having a great news station. I really enjoyed doing this job shadow and I am truly grateful to have had this opportunity.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Every crime that is made in the United States goes against the law. Crime is when rules or laws have been broken by a person or group of people. Sexual harassment is one of the most serious crimes that can be committed in the united states. Sexual harassment can occur in schools, at work, in one's home, any public or private place. It can happen any and everywhere. In an article I read, it talks about sexual harassment and the different types. The first area that sexual harassment occurs in is in the workplace. “Sexual harassment has been the focus of the national debate since 1991…” (Update: Sexual Harassment, 2007) Sexual harassment laws clarify that both men and women should be secure from extreme mistreatment in the workplace. It is illegal for an employer to ask an employee for sexual treatment in exchange for higher positions, higher pay, or anything that helps them progress in their employment, or quid pro quo harassment. This article also includes same-sex harassment. The Supreme Court suggests the state laws protecting workers from sexual harassment on the job apply even when the victim and the harasser are the same sex. Joseph Oncale worked for an oil rig off the coast of Mexico, and claimed to be harassed by his male supervisors and co-workers. His case was hard to prove because he had only male co-workers and no other employees had any complaints. Some courts governed that same-sex harassment cases were only lawful when the harasser is homosexual, and critics question whether same-sex harassment should be called sexual harassment or just bullying. I believe that any type of sexual activity that occurs is not wanted by others, whether it is the same sex or opposite sex, both are considered sexual harassment. Sexual harassment in schools was mentioned in the article as well, whether the person doing the harassing is someone who works in the school or just a student. A 14-year-old girl was harassed by a sixth grade classmate, who teased, endangered, and made sensual signals to her. The girl complained but no one replied to her problem. Her parents carried the case to court after talking with the boy’s parents and meeting with the school superintendents. The boy's parents did not do anything to stop him from harassing the 14-year-old. Children should be protected from patronizing physical behaviors, and they should be educated at an early age what is acceptable and not acceptable in sexual conduct.
Murder is one of the most dangerous and fearful crimes that any person could ever commit. A PBS video talks about the sentencing of Kenneth Young. According to Tim O’Brien, Kenneth Young was sentenced to life without parole in Tampa Florida at the age of 15 for hotel robberies in June 2000. He was taking orders from 25 year old drug dealer, who held the gun as Young took the money and security tapes. Young says he did it to protect his mother. The 25 year old had threatened to kill his mother, who had stolen drugs from him. The judge who sentenced him, Judge J. Rogers Padgett, says that he was misbehaving in court; he was amused at the sentencing, and also shot a bird in court. Paolo Annino, a Florida State University professor, objects to life without parole and declares “Placing children in adult prisons for life is a death sentence for children”. The rest of the video mentions juveniles who committed murder and how some mothers try to make sure that they stay in prison and how other mothers have sympathy for them even though they have lost their children. With the exclusion of his misbehavior in court Kenneth should not be sentenced life for he was threatened to commit this crime, so he should not have to take full responsibility for it. Kenneth Young is about 28 now and will be spending the rest of his life in prison. Sometime people cannot help that they are in a situation so dangerous, and I believe people should consider that before they judge them. Crime is a serious issue and also threatening. It's important to make sure you are associating with the right people, because you never know when someone will turn on you.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


September 11, 2001 was one of the most heartbreaking terrorist attacks that have ever occurred in the history of the United States. Now, ten years later we honor and remember those people on Flight 93 who have risked their lives and those who died from the crashing of The Twin Towers and The Pentagon. A chain of terrorist outbreaks upon America had taken place on this day. There were four planes that were hijacked on this morning. Two of the hijacked planes had crashed into Twin Towers of the World Trade Center located in New York City, and another plane had crashed into The Pentagon located in Arlington, Virginia near Washington D.C. The fourth plane never made it to its destination. Instead, the passengers on Flight 93 made a very difficult and courageous decision to try to regain control of the plane. Their bravery has saved many, but all of their lives had been taken once the fourth and final hijacked plane had crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. The results of these terrorist attacks were the subsiding of the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the death of thousands of people. The lives of so many people around the world have changed because of the events of September 11th. The memory of this occasion and the victims who perished because of it will continue to live on forever.  This frightening and catastrophic event may disturb people for the rest of their lives. 9/11 is the day that no one in America, and all over the world, will ever forget.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The United States Military

We all know that the purpose of the United States military. Some of you may think that being a part of the American military is an important aspect of our country. Others may not think of it as such a big deal. But before you have made up your mind about it, consider the challenges and suffering that people face every day in order to protect and serve our country, which means they are protecting us. The military forces consist of the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Coast Guard, and the Air Force. The U.S. Armed Forces is one of the largest military in terms of number of personnel. Military veterans' determination for our safety is signified by cooperation. As Jane Dyer said, “It’s not about who crosses the finish line first or last, what's important is that everyone gets across. Teamwork is a needed example in the military.

The Army
The Army is made up of a great quantity of armed forces, which are organized into components. The units consist of Squad, Company, Brigade, Platoon, Division, Battalion, and Corps. The mission of the Army is to preserve peace and security, support nation policies, implement national goals, and overcome nations accountable for forceful act that endanger the safekeeping and peace of the United States.
The Navy
The Navy's mission is to preserve, train and prepare combat ready Naval forces capable of winning wars, preventing violence, and upholding freedom of the seas. They also protect and secure the rights of the United States and our supporters in contradiction of its enemies so we can move along the oceans freely. The Navy Departments contain Secretary, Chief of Naval Operations and Personnel, Joint Chief of Staff, and Commandant of the Marine Corps.
The Navy ships entail aircraft carriers that permit portable projection of Naval Air power across the world. They are amphibious assault ships that arrange and support U.S. ground forces in inaccessible places, battleships that are severely armed warships intended to engross other warships, cruisers that are able to engage numerous immediate targets and employed in force support or independent action, destroyers are fast warships delivering multi-mission offensive and defensive skill, independently or in fleet support, frigates that are intended to safeguard other ships, and submarines that are capable of underwater procedures and are also designed to carry out research, rescue, or specific wartime assignments.
The Marine Corps
The Marine Corps are responsible for making power projection available from the sea. They work with naval forces for training, for transportation, and logistic purposes. They are responsible for capture or security of advanced naval bases and other land operations to upkeep naval campaigns, expansion of strategies, performance, and equipment used to amphibious landing forces, and other obligations that may be directed by the president. Their commitment is “Make Marines, win Nation's battles, develop quality citizens.”
The Air Force
The Air Force's mission is to fly, fight, and win in air, space, and cyberspace.  The unique abilities of the Air Force are air and space superiority, global attack, rapid global mobility, precision engagement, information superiority, agile combat support, and core values. Joint forces can control enemy operations in all proportions with air and space advantage that includes land, space, air, and sea. The Air Force can attack anywhere, anytime because of the scientific developments. They can do it rapidly and with great accuracy. The Air Force has rapid global mobility which is being able to respond quickly and determinedly anywhere they are needed. The Air Force bases these core competencies and individual capabilities on a shared commitment to three values: Integrity first, Service before Self, and Excellence in all we do.
The Coast Guard- Ready Today, Preparing for Tomorrow
The U.S. Coast Guard has protected our nation's maritime interests in the heartland, in the ports, at sea, and around the earth. They protect the naval economy and the environment; they preserve their maritime boundaries, and save those in danger. Their missions involve ports, waterways, and coastal security, drug interdiction, aids to navigation, search and rescue, living marine resources, marine safety, defense readiness, migrant interdiction, marine environmental protection, ice operations, and other law enforcement.
Thousands of people have sacrificed their lives in order to protect Americans. These men and women who serve their country should earn more than tribute. They need the best from us and everything it takes to restore their lives. They have endangered their lives for all of us. We are all Americans, so when we work collectively we can achieve anything, and we can all help one another as a team to cross the finish line.