Every crime that is made in the United States goes against the law. Crime is when rules or laws have been broken by a person or group of people. Sexual harassment is one of the most serious crimes that can be committed in the united states. Sexual harassment can occur in schools, at work, in one's home, any public or private place. It can happen any and everywhere. In an article I read, it talks about sexual harassment and the different types. The first area that sexual harassment occurs in is in the workplace. “Sexual harassment has been the focus of the national debate since 1991…” (Update: Sexual Harassment, 2007) Sexual harassment laws clarify that both men and women should be secure from extreme mistreatment in the workplace. It is illegal for an employer to ask an employee for sexual treatment in exchange for higher positions, higher pay, or anything that helps them progress in their employment, or quid pro quo harassment. This article also includes same-sex harassment. The Supreme Court suggests the state laws protecting workers from sexual harassment on the job apply even when the victim and the harasser are the same sex. Joseph Oncale worked for an oil rig off the coast of Mexico, and claimed to be harassed by his male supervisors and co-workers. His case was hard to prove because he had only male co-workers and no other employees had any complaints. Some courts governed that same-sex harassment cases were only lawful when the harasser is homosexual, and critics question whether same-sex harassment should be called sexual harassment or just bullying. I believe that any type of sexual activity that occurs is not wanted by others, whether it is the same sex or opposite sex, both are considered sexual harassment. Sexual harassment in schools was mentioned in the article as well, whether the person doing the harassing is someone who works in the school or just a student. A 14-year-old girl was harassed by a sixth grade classmate, who teased, endangered, and made sensual signals to her. The girl complained but no one replied to her problem. Her parents carried the case to court after talking with the boy’s parents and meeting with the school superintendents. The boy's parents did not do anything to stop him from harassing the 14-year-old. Children should be protected from patronizing physical behaviors, and they should be educated at an early age what is acceptable and not acceptable in sexual conduct.
Murder is one of the most dangerous and fearful crimes that any person could ever commit. A PBS video talks about the sentencing of Kenneth Young. According to Tim O’Brien, Kenneth Young was sentenced to life without parole in Tampa Florida at the age of 15 for hotel robberies in June 2000. He was taking orders from 25 year old drug dealer, who held the gun as Young took the money and security tapes. Young says he did it to protect his mother. The 25 year old had threatened to kill his mother, who had stolen drugs from him. The judge who sentenced him, Judge J. Rogers Padgett, says that he was misbehaving in court; he was amused at the sentencing, and also shot a bird in court. Paolo Annino, a Florida State University professor, objects to life without parole and declares “Placing children in adult prisons for life is a death sentence for children”. The rest of the video mentions juveniles who committed murder and how some mothers try to make sure that they stay in prison and how other mothers have sympathy for them even though they have lost their children. With the exclusion of his misbehavior in court Kenneth should not be sentenced life for he was threatened to commit this crime, so he should not have to take full responsibility for it. Kenneth Young is about 28 now and will be spending the rest of his life in prison. Sometime people cannot help that they are in a situation so dangerous, and I believe people should consider that before they judge them. Crime is a serious issue and also threatening. It's important to make sure you are associating with the right people, because you never know when someone will turn on you.
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